As your Career Counselor in London, I can help you achieve a meaningful career goal

I believe life is too short to feel stuck in a career that just pays the bills!
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I know how confusing and overwhelming it is when you’re feeling stuck and unhappy in your job, or when you’re struggling with problems that prevent you from performing your best.

As your Career Coach in London, I am licensed by

CCS (Career Counselling Services)

as well as

Full Circle Coaching, hold a BSc in Psychology and MA in Organization Studies, and can help you with

  • CLARITY & CONFIDENCE – get crystal clear on your career goal – whether you want to reinvent your career or become more confident in your job

  • FOCUS & DRIVE – overcome your fears & anxieties and instead start feeling driven and motivated working towards a meaningful career goal

  • ACCOUNTABILITY & ACTION PLAN – get the support and accountability needed to ensure your goal becomes reality

I’m a Career Counselor, originally from Denmark, but based in London. I live by the Danish way of life that it is not your success that will create your happiness, it’s your happiness that will create your success.

Many of my clients work in banking, IT, finance, media, legal, tech, sales, marketing and PR. Organisations range from PepsiCo, Ernst & Young, Imperial Brands to charities and start-ups.

Staying stuck in a role that isn’t right sucks your energy, lowers your

confidence and self-belief, and eventually leads to stress, burnout or anxiety.

I can help you get rid of your confusion and overwhelm, so you can find a career you’ll love, or achieve a meaningful career goal such as becoming more confident in your role.

As a result you’ll feel motivated, excited and happy again.

>> Read more about what it’s like WORKING WITH ME …


“Christine has helped me out immensely. I was at a point in my career where I knew I wasn’t happy, but I didn’t know what to do about it. She helped me look at the big picture and figure out what my priorities are in my life overall, and I ended up feeling a lot more clear and confident about what to do next. I’m excited to get started on this next part of my journey & continuing to work with Christine.”

Jenifer Woerner, Project Manager at Makosi Consulting


Open-minded and inclusive – Danish origin, based in London. I have lived in 7 countries and speak 5 languages – I’m honest, pragmatic, and genuinely interested in people from all cultures and backgrounds. 

Broad perspective – I have launched 3 businesses in different fields and countries – selling luxury products in India, pioneering health food products in London, as well as providing coaching services to ambitious people worldwide. 

Transformational ResultsICF approved,  CCS licensed Full Circle trained Coach & Counselor who holds a BSc Psychology and MA Organisation Studies. I create long-term, sustained results, whereas many coaches tend to focus only on immediate apparent problems.

>> Read more ABOUT ME…

If you are ambitious and want to achieve positive change, whether this means achieving a significant career goal, finding a more meaningful job or launching your own business, let’s talk.

We will work towards creating a life which feels more fulfilling and interesting, so you can become happier and more successful.

Sessions can be done face to face around Central or South London, (I have access to a private meeting room in Vauxhall) as well as over Skype/ Zoom.

I believe the greatest investment you can make is in yourself.

Click here to schedule your free Discovery Call today.

To your success and happiness,
