
Would you like to have a better work-life balance?


Would you like to have a better work-life balance, and stop letting work spill over into your personal life?

With so many of us working from home now, knowing when to stop work and when to switch over to personal time has proven to be a challenge.

Having a good work-life balance is something I’ve struggled with in the past. On the one hand […]

April 8th, 2021|

Is overthinking and mindchatter paralysing instead of helping you?

Do you recognise this scenario? 

You’re thinking about having messed up at work or about a misunderstanding with a loved one, and you end up being flooded by how bad you feel. Then you think about it again and again. 

And again. 

Then you look inward hoping to tap your inner coach, but find your inner critic instead.



Having just finished two interesting books […]

March 12th, 2021|

Feeling busy yet unproductive? The ‘Big Rocks’ framework can help you

It’s beginning of February already, how time flies… did last month feel like you got to the end of the day, and that you were busy yet accomplished so little?


This unproductive busyness is a feeling that used to be very familiar to me, and if you feel like this too, you know it’s extremely frustrating.


I’m happy to say that it is possible to get […]

February 1st, 2021|

My favourite book of 2020: The Blue Zones

Although 2020 in no way panned out the way I had hoped, looking back at it, I realize good things did happen. 


Yes, my wedding, honeymoon and several family get-togethers got cancelled, but on the plus side, my health and wellbeing was boosted by transitioning to a largely plant-based diet, and taking up cycling in London has been thrilling and fabulous exercise. 


In 2020 I continued […]

January 6th, 2021|

Are your beliefs limiting your career options?

Have you been thinking about making a change in your career for a while, but nothing has yet happened?

Could it be that some of the beliefs you hold are flawed or simply wrong?

It’s incredibly common to carry around limiting (and often inaccurate) beliefs and assumptions about ourselves and as a consequence about our opportunities in the world. 

Sometimes we develop these beliefs in […]

November 11th, 2020|

How to stop your endless overthinking

Is overthinking stopping you from making any changes to your career?

Having endless thought loops on the same old issues, rather than acting on them and actually making meaningful changes in your life and career, is something I’ve struggled with in the past.

Many of my clients struggle with this too, so in today’s article I’m […]

September 16th, 2020|

Discover a career you’ll love> Learn how with my 6 simple steps

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